Why write cybersecurity blog
1. Develop writing skill
Writing skill is extremely important where you have to deliver your reports in in easy to understand way because we’ve to ensure everybody can understand since not everyone have the technical knowledge. Writing your own blog will develop and enhance your writing skill. Just like everything, even in cybersecurity, the more you do it, the better you get.
By making your own blog, you have the freedom to write about anything. Don’t limit yourself to only cybersecurity, write what you love. If you love video games, talks about how it helps you cope with your work, or if you like movie, make a review about it. Doesn’t matter, just write.
2. Retain knowledge
When we want to remember about something, we write so that we won’t forget about it. If you want to remember about what you’ve just learned, write about it. Don’t just copy it directly, explain it in your own words. The best way to make sure you understand a certain topic is to be able to explain it as simple as possible. If you’re able to do just that, that’s mean you’ve achieve the understanding necessary on the topic.
I’ve made a page using BookStack which is https://notes.tamagorengs.com/, where I published my notes. It’s not that much, yet. But I will keep on building more and more. I know that people can google almost everything there is in my blog, but hey, I wrote all of it myself and I can also use it as my portfolio. Speaking about portfolio, brings me to my next point.
3. Portfolio
Portfolio is essential to help you secure a job. If you want to be a programmer, you have to showcase your code or your project or if you want to be a graphic designer, you have to show your design. What about cybersecurity ?
Cybersecurity is a wide fields. There’s Security Analyst, Security Engineer, Security Consultant, Penetration and so much more to list. There’s no one man army in cybersecurity. So there’s not one answer fits all. But there’s one thing that you can do in every fields which is, you guess it, blog. Write about the fields that you’re interested, what have you learned, what’s your goal, what have you achieve. Put it out there, so that people can see how passionate. It may not be as good as having certificate, but it is free.
4. Read more
“If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you.”
- Natalie Goldberg
In cybersecurity, you have to constantly improve yourself by reading a lot of materials and learning new techniques to catch up with fast moving life of technology. You can’t write if you didn’t read. You won’t have idea to collect and compile to build a blog. Blog is basically a compilation of knowledge that you have gather and piece it into one post. Blog helps give you a push to write and share your perspective.